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28'IVY_Skulldragging out of shed_Bob&RobGordonFeb2005_edited_edited_edited_edited.jpg

Launch Day for IVY, Bob and Rob Gordon ready to launch their last boat built together, March 2005

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About Us

Rob & Bob Gordon

Boat building is what I know from my earliest memories. From weekends and holidays as a child in my father's boatyard, then as a teenager full-time boatbuilding and commercial fishing.


Bob Gordon, my father started boatbuilding in 1938. Aged 16 he quit his five year apprenticeship after only three months thinking to himself "I know enough know" and laid the keel for his first boat to the design of the famous J.G. Hanna 30 foot Tahiti Ketch. Bob never stopped and was still boat building when he sailed over the horizon in 2006.


In my 20's I gained a science degree and, over the ensuing 30 years have swung between doing the 'sensible thing' of working as an exploration geologist and following my intense passion for creating traditional timber vessels with my father or working on historic sail charter ships in the Netherlands and across several oceans.

Rob Gordon

Boat Builder

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